Competing. Traveling. Eating. Winning.


COMTRAN (Competitive Traveling Nerd) is a community in Telkom University that focus on competitive programming competition. By founding COMTRAN, we hope there will be more students who taking interest in competitive programming. Competitive Traveling Nerd means that we are college student who love challenge and going to attend competitive programming competition final. And as for nerd, that's how others call us. We are learning, practicing, and competing. Our tagline represent competitive programmer general behavior. Several competitions that we will join to are including and not limited to GEMASTIK, Compfest, Vocomfest, INC, and IdeaFuse.


We are competition driven community that love to learn various algorithms and data structures. There will be competitive programming class periodically and we will share tons of knowledge here. Our goal is to prepare any necessary preparation before competition and makes sure to go to final. Also trying to win, of course! What we will do in general?

  1. Mastering basic algorithm and elementary data structure.
  2. Learn advanced algorithm.
  3. Learn advanced data structure.
  4. Mastering problem solving paradigms such as dynamic programming, greedy, and many more.
  5. Have fun by joining a competition.

Upcoming Competitions

Check out our Event Schedule!

  1. May 5 - Jun 25, 2018: Compfest X
  2. Jul 1 - Aug 4, 2018: Coder Class
  3. Jul 2018?: GEMASTIK 11
  4. Sep - Oct 2018: INC (Indonesia National Contest) -roadway to- ACM ICPC
  5. Apr 2019: ACM ICPC 2019

Ready to Join?

Read more about our recruitment process!
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